For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 768 : 20.08.2024

Chess games 7530
Chess tournaments 64

View all included tournaments

Cuenca ECU, Cafe Austria Open Aug 2024


Organizer(s) : Vicente Ramon, Mario Gustavo 3647161
Tournament Director : Chin-Durias, Peterson 150101390
Chief Arbiter : NA Montano Obaco, Viviana Raquel 3649261
Deputy Chief Arbiter : Barahona Bustamante, Roman Oswald 3646866
Town : Cuenca Ecuador
Rating-Ø : 1591
Date : 2024/08/10 To 2024/08/11

Final ranking

Rank SNo.    Name                                   Rtg FED Type Pts Res. BH:GP  SB   ratP 
   1    1 FM Camacho Martinez Guillermo            2281 CUB S50  4½   0   17,5  15,5  2021 
   2   14    Nugra Loja Eric                       1610 ECU      4½   0   14,5  12,75 2110 
   3    2 FM Aspiazu Sibri Marlon                  2097 ECU       4   0   15,5   12   2052 
   4    8    Ruiz Guanga Lucas Mathias             1763 ECU U14   4   0   15,5   11   1944 
   5    7    Lara Leon Enrry                       1870 ECU      3½   0    17   10,75 1693 
   6    3    Requelme Romero Jose                  2049 ECU      3½   0    15   9,25  1708 
   7   12    Paute Arizaga Angel Samuel            1710 ECU      3½   0    12   7,25  1654 
   8   10    Kittilsen Guy                         1738 USA S65  3½   0    12   6,75  1598 
   9    4    Murillo Alcivar Alex Giovanni         1979 ECU       3   0   15,5    8   1567 
  10    5    Tenesaca Argudo Juan                  1978 ECU       3   0    15    7,5  1447 
  11    6    Cardenas Encalada David Josue         1891 ECU U20   3   0   14,5    7   1536 
  12   26    Cordero Jhon                             0 VEN       3   0   13,5    7   1573 
  13   13    Illares Chumbi Domenica Priscila    F 1660 ECU U18   3   0    13     7   1740 
  14   15    Illares Chumbi Stefanny             F 1606 ECU U20   3   0    13     6   1598 
  15   16    Ortega Gonzaga Fausto Abrahan         1584 ECU U14   3   0    13     6   1456 
  16   18    Romero Acevedo Jozef Isaac            1491 ECU U12   3   0   12,5    7   1552 
  17   17    Matute Bravo Amelia Nathali         F 1583 ECU U14   3   0   11,5   4,5  1225 
  18   20    Arcos Rodriguez Abdon Nicolas         1433 ECU U12   3   0   10,5    4   1417 
  19   11    Cabrera Guaman Alan Sebastian         1716 ECU U18  2½   0   14,5    6   1557 
  20    9    Benitez Luzuriaga Williams Patri      1760 ECU      2½   0    14   5,25  1546 
  21   21    Jaramillo Buele Diego Misael          1431 ECU U16  2½   0    14   5,25  1545 
  22   23    Camposano Reyes John Paul                0 ECU U14  2½   0    12   4,25  1533 
  23   19    Pesantez Alvarez Luis Gabriel         1446 ECU       2   0   15,5    5   1449 
  24   33    Obando Guayllas Domenica Elizabeth  F    0 ECU U16   2   0   13,5    3   1265 
  25   35    Valverde Panama Joel Fernando            0 ECU U10   2   0   12,5    4   1188 
  26   38    Yunga Quinde Anthony Francisco           0 ECU U10   2   0   11,5    4   1220 
  27   37    Villacres Nunez Martin Alberto           0 ECU U16   2   0    11    1,5  1260 
  28   24    Chacon Plaza Santiago Xavier             0 ECU U12   2   0    9,5   2,5  1124 
  29   25    Chimbo Loja Christopher Alain            0 ECU U12   2   0     9     1   1223 
  30   29    Enriquez Ulloa Dylan Sebastian           0 ECU U12   2   0     9    0,5  1192 
  31   30    Guaman Pulla Danny Sebastian             0 ECU U10   2   0    8,5   1,5  1157 
  32   27    Delgado Rodriguez Dylan Israel           0 ECU U10  1½   0    10   1,25  1004 
  33   22    Astudillo Tello Juan Martin              0 ECU U12   1   0    12     1   1117 
  34   32    Naula Berrezueta Luis Andres             0 ECU U10   1   0   11,5    1   979  
  35   31    Montenegro Matute Kristen Angelica  F    0 ECU U12   1   0   10,5    1   486  
  36   28    Elizalde Fernandez Dorian Amir           0 ECU U08   1   0     7     0   912  
  37   36    Velesaca Cunguan Francisco Santiago      0 ECU U12   ½   0   10,5  0,75  751  
  38   34    Pulla Piedra Santiago Matias             0 ECU U10   0   0     8     0   352


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