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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 9 : 20.07.2003

Chess games 2549
Chess tournaments 21

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Cortina d'Ampezzo ITA, Open 2003

1' 1-ROTSTEIN Arkadij GERGM 7.0 44.0

2' 3-EFIMOV Igor PT GM 7.0 43.5

3' 4-SULAVA Nenad CROGM 7.0 43.0

4' 5-IVANOV Mikhail RUSGM 6.0 44.5
5' 7-CACCO Christian VE -M 5.5 43.5
6' 2-DRASKO Milan YUGGM 5.0 44.0
7' 6-GENOCCHIO Daniele TV FM 4.5 40.0
8' 10-VENTURA Sergio VI -M 4.5 39.0
9' 15-FACCHETTI Gianni MI -M 4.5 37.0
10' 11-RAINERI Valerio CO CM 4.5 36.5
11' 14-POPA Claudio VR CM 4.0 39.0 2.5 *
12' 9-FABRIS Alberto VE -M 4.0 39.0 2.5
13' 18-AGNELLI Francesco BS CM 4.0 36.0
14' 17-NAVARRO Stefano PD CM 4.0 33.5
15' 8-LAIN Luigi VI CM 3.5 32.5
16' 12-GOSIO Denis BS CM 3.5 31.0 2.5 *
17' 16-FREGONESE Giulio VE CM 3.5 31.0 2.5
18' 13-BARLOCCO Carlo MI -M 3.0 33.0
19' 20-ROMBALDONI Denis PU CM 2.5 32.5
20' 19-BONAFEDE Alessandro TV CM 2.5 30.0


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