For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 728 : 10.07.2023

Chess games 10401
Chess tournaments 69

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Chiang Mai THA, Asean Series 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                    Rtg FED Pts Res. BH. BH.  SB   
   1    2 GM  Xu Yi                  2502 CHN  7   0   45  47½ 33,75 
   2    1 GM  Ghosh Diptayan         2565 IND 6½   0   44½ 48½ 34,00 
   3   12 FM  Chernyavsky Alexander  2359 RUS  6   0   44½ 46  27,00 
   4    6 IM  Wang Shixu B           2413 CHN  6   0   44  48½ 31,75 
   5   14 FM  Nguyen Quoc Hy         2337 VIE  6   0   42  46  29,75 
   6    8     Sek Konstantin         2392 RUS  6   0   42  45½ 28,00 
   7   28     Chen Kailin            2060 CHN 5½   0   42  45½ 25,50 
   8   21 FM  Kulpruethanon Thanadon 2230 THA 5½   0   39  42½ 23,25 
   9   13 FM  Laohawirapap Prin      2349 THA 5½   0   36  39½ 22,50 
  10    3 IM  Chen Qi B              2484 CHN  5   0   44  48½ 25,50 
  11    4 IM  Badmatsyrenov Oleg     2446 FID  5   0   42½ 46  23,00 
  12   10 IM  Liu Xiangyi            2377 SGP  5   0   42  46  23,50 
  13   11 GM  Nguyen Van Huy         2366 VIE  5   0   41½ 45½ 22,00 
  14    5 IM  Mohammad Fahad Rahman  2424 BAN 4½   0   41½ 45  20,25 
  15    7 IM  Siddharth Jagadeesh    2397 SGP 4½   0   40½ 43½ 18,25 
  16    9 FM  Hoang Canh Huan        2382 VIE 4½   0   40  41½ 18,00 
  17   17 CM  Dinh Nho Kiet          2264 VIE 4½   0   39½ 43½ 21,00 
  18   23     Kamalsyah Muhammad     2188 INA 4½   0   35½ 38½ 13,25 
  19   31     Wu Yixing              2043 CHN 4½   0   35  38  17,25 
  20   26     Dang Anh Minh          2080 VIE 4½   0   33½ 36  12,75 
  21   19 FM  Makarov Nikolai Val.   2251 RUS  4   0   39½ 43½ 16,75 
  22   18 WGM Enkhtuul Altan-Ulzii   2262 MGL  4   0   38  41½ 14,50 
  23   30 CM  Owen Michael           2048 INA  4   0   37  38½ 14,50 
  24   36     Arun Kataria           1924 IND  4   0   34½ 37½ 13,25 
  25   27 FM  Sai Han Thiha          2070 MYA  4   0   34  37  15,00 
  26   32     Duong Vu Anh           2033 VIE  4   0   33  36½ 15,00 
  27   35     Nguyen Vuong Tung Lam  1986 VIE  4   0   31½ 33  13,00 
  28   16 FM  Wong Jianwen           2273 MAS 3½   0   35  38½ 12,25 
  29   22 FM  Castellano Christopher 2213 PHI 3½   0   33  34½ 9,00  
  30   25     Zhang Xiao             2147 CHN 3½   0   32½ 34  7,50  
  31   24 WFM Zhao Shengxin          2156 CHN  3   0   31  32½ 7,75  
  32   15 FM  Lim Zhuo Ren           2315 MAS 2½   0   35½ 39  8,25  
  33   33 FM  Wiwatanadate Poompong  2007 THA  2   0   30½ 32  5,00  
  34   29 CM  Nay Lin Tun            2055 MYA 1½   0   32  34½ 3,00  
  35   34     Bhavik Ahuja           1992 IND  1   0   30  32  4,00  
  36   20 CM  Shreyans K. Shah       2237 IND  1   0   29  30½ 3,50 


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