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10 Days 738 : 20.10.2023

Chess games 6725
Chess tournaments 49

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Cancun MEX, 11th Camara Cup

Rank SNo.     Name                                   Rtg FED Type Pts Res. BH. BH. BH.  SB   
   1    1 GM  Cori Jorge                            2618 PER       7   0   52½ 48½ 42  40,00 
   2    2 GM  Martinez Alcantara Jose Eduardo       2611 PER      6½   0   50½ 46  39  35,50 
   3    4 GM  Albornoz Cabrera Carlos Daniel        2582 CUB      6½   0   50  46  39  34,50 
   4    7 GM  Berdayes Ason Dylan Isidro            2495 CUB      6½   0   50  45½ 38½ 34,00 
   5    3 GM  Mareco Sandro                         2606 ARG      6½   0   49½ 46  39½ 35,00 
   6   12 GM  Flom Gabriel                          2445 FRA      6½   0   47  44  37  32,50 
   7    5 GM  Quesada Perez Luis Ernesto            2555 CUB      6½   0   45  41½ 35  32,50 
   8   11 IM  Galaviz Medina Sion Radamantys        2454 MEX U18   6   0   50  46  39½ 31,50 
   9    8 GM  Gonzalez Zamora Juan Carlos           2479 MEX S50   6   0   50  45½ 38½ 30,75 
  10   18 IM  Perez Gormaz Matias                   2387 CHI       6   0   48  44  37  28,25 
  11   17 IM  Duran Vega Sergio                     2392 CRC       6   0   46½ 43  36½ 28,25 
  12    9 IM  Diaz Perez Michel Alejandro           2473 CUB       6   0   39  35½ 29½ 25,25 
  13   10 IM  Elias Reyes Jorge Roberto             2466 CUB      5½   0   49½ 45  38½ 28,75 
  14    6 GM  Almeida Quintana Omar                 2513 CUB      5½   0   48½ 44  37  28,25 
  15   26 IM  Torres Rosas Luis Carlos              2271 MEX      5½   0   46½ 44  37½ 25,75 
  16   19 FM  Sandoval Mercado Carlos               2387 MEX      5½   0   45  41½ 35  23,75 
  17   24 FM  Perez Marimon Jorge De Jesus          2307 CUB U20  5½   0   40½ 37½ 31  21,75 
  18   20 IM  Figueredo Losada Leonel               2365 MEX       5   0   51½ 47  40½ 26,00 
  19   13 GM  Ibarra Chami Luis Fernando            2442 MEX       5   0   48½ 45  38  23,25 
  20   16 IM  Oblitas Carlomagno                    2396 PER S50   5   0   46  42  35½ 23,25 
  21   22 FM  Diaz Rosas Julio Cesar                2337 MEX       5   0   45½ 42½ 36  23,00 
  22   27 CM  Garcia De Dios Jose Antonio           2229 MEX       5   0   45  42  35½ 21,00 
  23   21 IM  Fernandez Reyes Lisandro              2344 MEX       5   0   41½ 38  32  19,75 
  24   31 CM  Galaviz Medina Atlas Adomaitis        2147 MEX U18   5   0   40½ 37½ 31½ 20,00 
  25   28 CM  Avila Rodriguez Joshua Ad             2206 MEX       5   0   39½ 37  30½ 18,75 
  26   55     Neira Garcia Llirbel Anei             1934 CUB U16   5   0   36½ 34½ 29½ 18,25 
  27   15 IM  Lopez Gonzalez Abel Fabian            2420 CUB      4½   0   49  45  38½ 24,50 
  28   51     Orellana A. Carlos E.                 1947 VEN      4½   0   43½ 40½ 34½ 20,75 
  29   23 FM  Gutierrez Delgado Yusuan A.           2322 CUB      4½   0   43  40  33½ 17,75 
  30   34 WFM Muniz Guevara Amanda Maria          F 2133 CUB      4½   0   42½ 39½ 33  17,00 
  31   38 WFM Catala Matienzo Ivette              F 2078 CUB      4½   0   39½ 37  30½ 15,00 
  32   25 FM  Rodriguez Basulto Reyson Ricardo      2291 CUB U20  4½   0   39  37  31½ 15,25 
  33   42 WFM Gutierrez Espinosa Karen            F 2044 CUB      4½   0   37½ 34½ 29  16,50 
  34   40     Huertas Soris Ramon Antonio           2060 MEX S65  4½   0   36  33  27  15,75 
  35   30 WIM Hernandez Gil Ineymig               F 2170 CUB U20  4½   0   35½ 33½ 27½ 14,25 
  36   36 WIM Gonzalez Ochoa Yoana                F 2102 CUB      4½   0   34½ 31½ 26  15,00 
  37   48     Lopez Garcia Miguel Angel             1955 MEX U16  4½   0   32  30  25  15,00 
  38   32 WIM Corrales Jimenez Zenia              F 2146 MEX       4   0   45  42  35  16,50 
  39   14 IM  Fernandez Cardoso Alexey              2429 CUB       4   0   42½ 39  33  18,50 
  40   33     Laredo Ruiz Gianny                    2139 CUB       4   0   39½ 36½ 30  17,00 
  41   49     Morlett Ovalle Cris Sebastian         1950 MEX       4   0   38½ 36½ 30½ 14,75 
  42   35     Urbina Quiroz Edwin                   2132 CRC       4   0   38  35½ 29  12,50 
  43   52     Gonzalez Tun Aaron                    1945 MEX       4   0   36½ 33½ 28½ 13,75 
  44   56 FM  Ruiz Gonzalez Guillermo Javier        1922 MEX S65   4   0   32  30  25  12,00 
  45   50 AIM Gonzalez Arellano Julio Leonel        1947 MEX       4   0   31  29  23  11,00 
  46   41     Herrera Aguilar Rene Alexi            2058 MEX      3½   0   44½ 40½ 34  16,75 
  47   29 WIM Obregon Garcia Roxangel             F 2171 CUB U20  3½   0   41½ 38½ 32½ 16,00 
  48   46 WFM Abarca Gonzalez Damaris             F 1984 CHI      3½   0   40  38  32  12,25 
  49   37 FM  Hernandez Jimenez Alexander Andres    2100 VEN      3½   0   39½ 36  29½ 14,25 
  50   43 FM  Davalos Prieto Abel Justo             2026 MEX S50  3½   0   39  36  30  12,25 
  51   54     Reyes Bautista Alejandro              1936 MEX      3½   0   37½ 35  30  15,75 
  52   47 WFM Guillen Cristobal Sandra N          F 1969 MEX      3½   0   35½ 33½ 27½ 9,25  
  53   53 WFM Alfonso Ruisanchez Laritza          F 1938 CUB      3½   0   34½ 32½ 27  11,25 
  54   61 CM  Vega Castaneda Luis Carlos            1823 MEX      3½   0   31  28½ 23  8,50  
  55   67     Fogo Esquivel Levi Kalani Alexander   1664 MEX U12   3   0   37½ 34½ 30  12,25 
  56   60     Santiago Flores Gerardo               1856 MEX       3   0   34½ 32½ 27½ 9,50  
  57   44     Hernandez Torres Paulo De Jesus       1996 MEX       3   0   34½ 32  25½ 9,50  
  58   57     Esquivel Nateras Virgilio             1917 MEX       3   0   32½ 30½ 25½ 8,50  
  59   62     Kramar David                          1811 HUN U16   3   0   32½ 30½ 25½ 5,00  
  60   65     Leal Escamilla Daniel Zinedine        1778 MEX U12   3   0   30½ 28½ 23½ 10,25 
  61   58     Vega Castaneda Ulises Antonio         1907 MEX      2½   0   32  30  25½ 9,00  
  62   63 WCM Castellanos Hernandez Lhia Itzayana F 1798 MEX U18  2½   0   32  30  24½ 7,00  
  63   68 AFM Martinez Martinez Jose Manuel         1601 MEX      2½   0   29½ 27  22½ 5,25  
  64   64     Mukul Aldana Daniela Maria          F 1798 MEX U18   2   0   31½ 30  25  10,75 
  65   66 WFM Ramirez Gonzalez Maria Jose         F 1766 CRC      1½   0   33½ 31  26  9,50  
  66   39 CM  Quiroga Jaquez Angel Ivan             2066 MEX       ½   0   30½ 29  24  15,25 
       45 WIM Garcia Morales Ivette Alejandra     F 1994 MEX       ½   0   30½ 29  24  15,25 
       59     Flores Irurso Paul Josue              1904 MEX       ½   0   30½ 29  24  15,25 


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