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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 738 : 20.10.2023

Chess games 6725
Chess tournaments 49

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Calviа ESP, 20th Amateur Open

Rank SNo.     Name                                Rtg FED Type Pts BH. BH. BH. Fide 
   1    1 FM  Laux Dominik                       2281 GER U18  7½  49  42  54  37½  
   2   11 FM  Viskelis Darius                    2152 LTU      7½  49  41½ 52   40  
   3    5 FM  Massanet Massanet Sebastian        2187 ESP      7½  44½ 37  48½ 37½  
   4    2 CM  Ulasevich Sergei                   2246 FID       7  48½ 41  53   39  
   5    6 FM  Tytynnik Artem                     2187 UKR       7  48  40½ 52½  36  
   6    4     De Boer Bas                        2194 NED       7  47  39½ 51   36  
   7    8     Thakoerdien Jerrel                 2177 NED      6½  45½ 38  49½  32  
   8   53     Danko Jiri                         1857 CZE S60  6½  43½ 36  50  32½  
   9   17     Grob Joshua                        2091 SUI      6½  42½ 35½ 46½  32  
  10   10 FM  Brull Mayol Cosme                  2163 ESP S60  6½  38½ 33  45   30  
  11   22     Stubbs Oliver                      2077 ENG       6  50  42½ 53½  36  
  12   18 WIM Stanford Sheila Barth            F 2090 NOR       6  48½ 41  53½ 35½  
  13   26     Van Ee Robin                       2046 NED       6  46  39  50  31½  
  14   21     Midoux Sebastien                   2083 FRA       6  46  38½ 52   35  
  15   13 FM  Hristodorescu Daniel               2134 ROU       6  43½ 36½ 48   31  
  16   36     Flatebo Hallvard Haug              1932 NOR       6  43½ 36  46   29  
  17    9 CM  Bullen Alex                        2168 WLS       6  42  35½ 46   32  
  18   24 FM  Lacrosse Marc                      2057 BEL S60   6  41  35  47   31  
  19   14     Moll Gener Joan                    2123 ESP U18   6  40½ 34½ 46½  26  
  20   37     Rosell Sven                        1932 SWE S60   6  40½ 34  44½  29  
  21   39     Torres Tur Juan                    1913 ESP S60   6  39½ 33½ 43   29  
  22   19     Hoffmann Max                       2090 GER      5½  46  39  50   31  
  23   12 FM  Galiana Salom Juan Ramon           2142 ESP S60  5½  45  38  49   33  
  24   40     Litfin Boris                       1910 GER      5½  44  37  47  27½  
  25   20     Sahelices Casado Roberto           2084 ESP      5½  43  35½ 47  31½  
  26   15     Tscharotschkin Michael             2115 GER      5½  42½ 36  46½  32  
  27   25     Andersson Lars                     2051 SWE      5½  42½ 36  46½  30  
  28   16     Jekabsons Ivars                    2104 LAT S60  5½  41  34½ 46½  26  
  29   32     Hutchinson Paul A                  2011 ENG S60  5½  40½ 34½ 44   30  
  30   88     Aird Ian                           1667 SCO S60  5½  40  34½ 43½  25  
  31   48     Vicens Company Maria Antonia     F 1887 ESP      5½  40  33½ 42½ 27½  
  32   44     Clausen Karl Erik                  1901 ESP S60  5½  37½ 32  43   26  
  33   30     Friml Antonin                      2027 CZE S60  5½  36  29½ 41½ 26½  
  34   92     Bangiev Katharina                F 1643 ESP U18  5½  34½ 29  40  24½  
  35   61     Sureda Gonzalez Cristina         F 1803 ESP U18  5½  34  28½ 39½  24  
  36   49     Graf Anton  Dr.                    1871 GER S60  5½  33½ 27½ 39  23½  
  37    3 FM  Voiteanu Gabriel                   2235 ROU       5  47  40  51   32  
  38    7     Styblo Michal                      2185 CZE       5  45½ 38½ 49½ 33½  
  39   43     Ng Chun Hei                        1902 HKG       5  44½ 37  47½  27  
  40   28 FM  Hrbolka Ladislav                   2035 CZE S60   5  44  36½ 49   31  
  41   47     Isakovs Janis                      1895 LAT S60   5  42½ 36  47½  26  
  42   59 CM  Melkevik Johannes                  1811 NOR       5  42½ 36  46  27½  
  43   65     Simo Bordoy Guillermo              1773 ESP S60   5  42½ 36  45  28½  
  44   94     Rossello Sanchez Bartolome         1637 ESP       5  42  36  44   27  
  45   60     Melderis Uldis                     1807 LAT S60   5  41  35  46   29  
  46   45     Westendorf Vidal Carles            1899 ESP       5  40½ 34½ 45½  27  
  47   81     Schnepel Thomas                    1719 GER S60   5  39  32½ 42   22  
  48   23     Svensson Mikael                    2059 SWE       5  38½ 33  43½  26  
  49   54     Mach Jan                           1854 CZE       5  38½ 31  43½ 22½  
  50   56     Cote Frederic                      1837 FRA S60   5  38  31½ 43  24½  
  51   90     Ramon Sanchez Campins Pedro        1646 ESP S60   5  37½ 31½ 42½ 23½  
  52   77     Budhrani Dhanesh                   1727 ESP       5  37½ 30½ 42½  22  
  53   38     Vrchotka Josef                     1920 CZE S60   5  37½ 30½ 41   23  
  54   41     Kaminski Robert                    1906 GER S60   5  37½ 30  40   23  
  55   84 AFM Feijen Niels                       1689 NED       5  37  31  39½  22  
  56   72     Burkevica Ilze                   F 1738 LAT       5  37  30½ 42   23  
  57   70     Abadia Pascual Luis                1741 ESP       5  36  28½ 41  21½  
  58   87     May Freixa Josep                   1669 ESP S60   5  33  27  38  19½  
  59   63     Bietz Florian                      1785 GER      4½  41½ 35  42½  27  
  60   58     Andreu Lopez Santiago              1834 ESP S60  4½  40  33½ 44½  26  
  61   79     Kurka Christopher-Ulrich           1724 GER      4½  40  33½ 43  22½  
  62   57     Sureda Gonzalez Miquel             1835 ESP U18  4½  39½ 33  44  25½  
  63   62     Haraldsson Leif                    1794 SWE      4½  39½ 33  42½ 24½  
  64   42     Boyer Christophe                   1905 FRA      4½  39½ 32½ 44   25  
  65   66     Skielnik Joseph J                  1772 ENG S60  4½  37½ 31½ 39  24½  
  66   31     Fauvet Emmanuel                    2022 FRA      4½  37  30½ 41½  25  
  67   71     Cerdo Fernandez Miguel             1739 ESP      4½  36½ 29½ 39  21½  
  68  108     Laux Filip                         1490 GER U18  4½  36  30½ 39  20½  
  69  100     Carrasco Lopez Juan Luis           1593 ESP      4½  35  29½ 38½  20  
  70   29     Gihr Michael                       2029 GER S60  4½  34½ 29½ 38   23  
  71  118     Santandreu Tost Josep              1411 ESP      4½  34  28½ 38½ 18½  
  72   89     Armao Olivier                      1667 FRA      4½  33½ 28  36  19½  
  73   93     Nass Mikael                        1640 NOR      4½  33  27½ 37½  22  
  74   35     Ruprich Udo                        1956 GER S60   4  42½ 35  45   26  
  75  104     Pinto Antonio Manuel               1542 POR       4  41  35  45   25  
  76   80     Nieto Foresti Julian               1723 ESP U18   4  40½ 34½ 44½  23  
  77   52     Sjodahl Sten                       1860 SWE S60   4  40½ 33  43  23½  
  78   51     Navarrete Terrasa Antonio          1862 ESP       4  39½ 34  43  23½  
  79   46     Rodriguez Mendez Victor Manuel     1897 ESP       4  39½ 33  43½ 22½  
  80   27     Woudt Edwin                        2045 NED       4  39½ 32  43½ 28½  
  81   76     Moreno Mateos Jose Luis            1730 ESP       4  37½ 30  40½ 18½  
  82   86     O`connell Denis                    1671 IRL S60   4  36½ 30  39  20½  
  83   85     Rumsey Victor B                    1689 ENG S60   4  35½ 30  38   21  
  84   97     Caceres De La Calle Eduardo        1629 ESP       4  35½ 29½ 39½  22  
  85   96     Simovic Ludvik                     1632 CZE S60   4  35  29½ 36  18½  
  86   64     Payeras Vilella Pedro              1785 ESP       4  35  29  39   23  
  87   55     Rucs Andris                        1842 LAT       4  35  29  39   21  
  88   78     O`kelly David                      1727 IRL S60   4  35  29  38   18  
  89  117     Granholm Johan                     1422 SWE       4  34  29  36½ 17½  
  90   83     Aardenburg Piet                    1694 NED S60   4  34  28½ 38   20  
  91   75     Moore John                         1731 ENG       4  34  27  36½ 16½  
  92   50     Spanton Tim R                      1864 ENG S60   4  33½ 28½ 36   21  
  93  107     Torres Mari Juan                   1499 ESP S60   4  33½ 27½ 36½ 17½  
  94   95     Ballester Cladera Antonio          1634 ESP S60   4  33  27½ 37   20  
  95   99     Tomas Viver Toni                   1594 ESP U18   4  31½ 25½ 35½ 16½  
  96  116     Zalitis Gunars                     1455 LAT S60   4  31  26  32   17  
  97  103     Baldo Company Jordi                1575 ESP       4  30½ 25  34½  16  
  98  112     Alessandro Sergio                  1464 ITA S60  3½  39  33  42   19  
  99  102     O Hanlon Joseph                    1579 IRL      3½  34½ 29  36   17  
 100   69     Jerabek Jan                        1763 CZE S60  3½  34  28  36½  22  
 101   91     Vernuks Vjaceslavs                 1644 LAT      3½  33½ 27½ 36½ 18½  
 102   98     Vargas Rodriguez Barreiro Quimey   1609 ESP U18  3½  32½ 27  36  18½  
 103  139     Sampol Bartolome Adria                0 ESP U18  3½  32½ 27  35  16½  
 104   74     Terradas Calafell Jaume            1734 ESP      3½  32½ 26  36   18  
 105   33     Eijk Yuri                          1990 NED      3½  31½ 26½ 35   23  
 106  124     Scheidt Jeremy                     1335 ESP U18  3½  31½ 26  34   14  
 107  128     Jorgensen Catherine              F 1301 NOR      3½  30½ 25½ 32   14  
 108  109     Scott Shay                         1481 IRL S60  3½  30½ 24½ 31½ 13½  
 109  121     Febrero Perez Lluis                1372 ESP S60  3½  29½ 24½ 31½ 12½  
 110  123     Bonet Mestre Maria               F 1335 ESP U18   3  33½ 27  36½  15  
 111  130     Vatneodegard Marie               F 1242 NOR       3  32½ 27  35   14  
 112  132     Sathren Linda Fagerli            F 1159 NOR       3  32  26½ 33½  12  
 113  125     Salva Alorda Carlos                1317 ESP       3  30½ 25  33½  15  
 114  110     Carranza Pons Ricardo Nelson       1479 ESP S60   3  30½ 25  32½  11  
 115  127     Torrello Cocera Miguel             1309 ESP       3  30  25½ 32½ 14½  
 116  101     Foran Barry                        1592 IRL S60   3  30  25  31   13  
 117  114     Santandreu Barquero Martin         1459 ESP       3  30  24½ 33   14  
 118  119     Whelan Niall P.                    1406 IRL S60   3  29½ 24  31½  12  
 119  113     Carlsson Johan                     1463 SWE       3  26  21  27  11½  
 120   82     Lavrincik Pavel                    1696 CZE S60  2½  35  27½ 37½  16  
 121  106     Girin Jerome                       1503 ESP      2½  34  28  36½  14  
 122  129     Dolek Maxy                         1287 NOR U18  2½  30½ 24  33  14½  
 123  120     Jonckers Marie-Jeanne            F 1386 BEL S60  2½  30  25  32½  12  
 124  111     Almquist Rutger                    1473 SWE S60  2½  30  24½ 32  11½  
 125  140     Santandreu Garcias Antoni          1498 ESP      2½  28  23½ 30½  13  
 126  122     Veloz Jesus Sara Alicia          F 1353 ESP U18  2½  28  23  30½ 11½  
 127  131     West Nic                           1169 ENG      2½  27½ 22½ 30  11½  
 128  135     Cuevas Garcia Asier                1024 ESP U18  2½  23½ 18½ 26   9   
 129  137     Calzetta Torres Raul                  0 ESP U18  2½  20  16½ 22½  14  
 130  126     Couvrat Desvergnes Thierry         1315 ESP S60   2  26½ 21½ 28½ 10½  
 131  134     Petrov Kovachev Petar              1028 ESP U18   2  26  21  28   8   
 132   73     Osswald Michael                    1736 GER       2  22½ 17½ 24½  14  
 133  136     Amatista Marina                  F    0 ITA      1½  25  20½ 26½  4   
 134  138     Dolek Archie                          0 NOR U18  1½  23  17½ 24½  7½  
 135  115 ACM Lopez Ortiz Asier                  1457 ESP      1½  12  10½ 13½  12  
 136  133     Jullum Hege Ibsen                F 1088 NOR       1  28  23½ 29½  6½  
 137  105     Kearsley Raymond J                 1511 ENG S60   1  19½ 15½ 20½  6   
 138   34     Svarc Roman                        1987 CZE       0   0   0   0   0   
       67     Steegmans Pieter                   1766 BEL       0   0   0   0   0   
       68     Ishvi Aggarwal                   F 1765 IND U18   0   0   0   0   0 


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