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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 737 : 10.10.2023

Chess games 5728
Chess tournaments 32

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Buenos Aires ARG, ProAm 70 years Panno

Rank Team                               Gam. + = - Pts. BH.    SB   
   1 Hernandez Guerrero, Gilberto          9 8 0 1  22  143½ 139,00 
   2 Acosta, Pablo Ismael                  9 7 0 2  21  136  103,00 
   3 Villca, Julian                        9 7 0 2  21  131½ 108,00 
   4 Villanueva, Mario                     9 8 0 1  20  122½ 115,00 
   5 Valerga, Diego                        9 7 0 2  20  120  104,00 
   6 Dolezal, Cristian                     9 6 0 3  19  141  94,00  
   7 Fiorito, Joaquin                      9 7 0 2  19  139  112,00 
   8 Schnaider, Ilan                       9 7 0 2  19  136½ 99,00  
   9 Campos, Maria Jose                    9 6 0 3  19  120  90,00  
  10 Gimenez Aguirre, Alejo Ismael         9 7 0 2  18  143  110,00 
  11 Fiorito, Francisco                    9 6 0 3  18  139½ 92,00  
  12 Villarreal, Agustin                   9 6 0 3  18  131  84,00  
  13 Federzoni, Enzo                       9 6 0 3  18  131  81,00  
  14 Fiorito, Fabian                       9 6 0 3  17  130  91,00  
  15 Filgueiras, Nathan Felipe             9 5 0 4  17  130  65,00  
  16 Sarquis, Maria Belen                  8 4 0 4  17  127  48,00  
  17 Silva, Luca                           9 5 0 4  17  123  62,00  
  18 Slipak, Sergio                        9 6 0 3  17  121  80,00  
  19 Zuriel, Marisa                        9 6 0 3  17  117½ 67,00  
  20 Naboulet, Pablo Leon                  9 5 0 4  16  128  61,00  
  21 Chiappero, Julio Alfredo              9 6 0 3  16  121  76,00  
  22 Contin, Daniel                        8 5 0 3  16  120  73,00  
  23 De Dovitiis, Alejo                    7 5 0 2  16  119½ 66,00  
  24 Calens, Diego                         7 4 0 3  16  114  48,00  
  25 Ambrogi, Agustin                      9 6 0 3  16  109½ 76,00  
  26 Aspreli, Gaspar                       9 5 0 4  16  109½ 58,00  
  27 Fernandes, Martin                     9 5 0 4  16  109  53,00  
  28 Amura, Claudia                        9 6 0 3  15  126½ 87,00  
  29 Ocampos, Ian                          8 4 0 4  15  125  53,00  
  30 Rodriguez, Mathias                    9 5 0 4  15  120  52,00  
  31 Villegas, Franco                      9 5 0 4  15  119½ 68,00  
  32 Quiroga, Facundo                      9 4 0 5  15  105½ 40,00  
  33 Ruiz, Juan Ignacio                    9 5 0 4  15  104  49,00  
  34 Paris, Adolfo                         9 5 0 4  15  102  60,00  
  35 Flores Mirabal, Nancy                 7 4 0 3  15  100  38,00  
  36 Pierrot, Facundo                      7 4 0 3  14  142  66,00  
  37 Moreno Perez, Tobias Sebastian        9 4 0 5  14  122  47,00  
  38 Unhold, Valentin                      8 4 0 4  14  116½ 49,00  
  39 Parrilla, Juan Jose                   7 3 0 4  14  116  39,00  
  40 Anelli, Antonio                       8 4 0 4  14  111  43,00  
  41 Frutos, Leandro Jose                  9 5 0 4  14  104  50,00  
  42 Fuentes, Agustin                      9 4 0 5  13  121½ 46,00  
  43 Adam, Ernestina                       8 3 0 5  13  113  33,00  
  44 Amadeo, Pablo                         7 3 0 4  13  107½ 34,00  
  45 Deichmann, Esteban Horacio            9 5 0 4  13  106½ 55,00  
  46 Montiel, Angel Nathanael              9 4 0 5  13  106½ 47,00  
  47 Heredia Serrano, Carla                9 4 0 5  13   97  37,00  
  48 Isella, Facundo                       7 3 0 4  13  96½  25,00  
  49 Pacheco, Daniel                       8 4 0 4  12  138½ 58,00  
  50 Herrera, Martin                       9 4 0 5  12  122½ 44,00  
  51 Abate, Tomas                          7 2 0 5  12  118  26,00  
  52 Moldovan, Adrian                      8 3 0 5  12  116  37,00  
  53 Meza Astrada, Agustin                 9 5 0 4  12  112½ 53,00  
  54 Scarsi, Anna Laura                    9 4 0 5  12  110  34,00  
  55 Sanz, Luis                            9 4 0 5  11  113  41,00  
  56 Koch, Juan                            8 3 0 5  11  108  33,00  
  57 Galleto, Ricardo                      8 3 0 5  11  102  31,00  
  58 Bosco, Giuliana                       7 3 0 4  11  101  26,00  
  59 Fernandez Babasz, Santiango Ernest    9 3 0 6  11   99  20,00  
  60 Ganza Svidler, Pedro                  7 2 0 5  11   97  14,00  
  61 Jabie, Rafael                         7 3 0 4  11   90  25,00  
  62 Montiel Marin, Micaela Agustina       9 3 0 6  11   90  21,00  
  63 Axarlian, Carlos                      7 2 0 5  10  128  31,00  
  64 Ferrara, Enzo                         7 4 0 3  10  127½ 59,00  
  65 Strok, Boris                          9 3 0 6  10  114½ 34,00  
  66 Dubrovich, Igor                       9 3 0 6  10  111½ 33,00  
  67 Schneider, Querian                    8 3 0 5  10   97  25,00  
  68 Nieva, Jose Luis                      8 3 0 5  10  96½  29,00  
  69 Alejos, Felipe                        9 3 0 6  10  93½  11,00  
  70 Aberbach, Angel                       7 3 0 4  9   111  35,00  
  71 Salvati, Diego                        6 1 0 5  9   107½ 11,00  
  72 Wardak, Dante                         9 3 0 6  9   89½  23,00  
  73 Risso, Fernando                       9 3 0 6  9    83  10,00  
  74 Donda, Jazmin                         9 2 0 7  8   112  28,00  
  75 Macchiavelli, Marcelo                 7 1 0 6  7   100½  9,00  
  76 Avila, Federico                       5 0 0 5  6   100½  0,00  
  77 De Urquiza, Sebastian                 6 0 0 6  5    95   0,00  
  78 Zelaya, Eros                          6 0 0 6  4    96   0,00  
  79 Troche, Dylan                         7 1 0 6  4    85   7,00  
  80 Roldan, Emmanuel                      6 0 0 6  1   78½   0,00 


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