For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 731 : 10.08.2023

Chess games 9777
Chess tournaments 71

View all included tournaments

Budapest HUN, Vezerkepzo GM July-2 2023

Vezerkepzo GM

Rank SNo.     Name                   Rtg FED Pts. BH. Fide 
   1    3 IM  Alexakis Dimitris     2449 GRE  7   31  33½  
   2    8 IM  Srihari L R           2384 IND  5½  31  26½  
       10 FM  Levine Joseph         2356 USA  5½  31  26½  
   4   16 IM  Avinash Ramesh        2271 IND  5   34½ 25½  
   5    1 GM  Plat Vojtech          2516 CZE  5   34   29  
   6    6 FM  Laddha Shubh Jayesh   2397 USA  5   32   26  
   7    7 GM  Mirzoev Azer          2395 AZE  4½  32½ 22½  
   8    9 GM  Varga Zoltan          2375 HUN  4½  31½ 20½  
   9    5 FM  Pribelszky Bence      2402 HUN  4½  30½ 21½  
  10    2 GM  Horvath Adam          2469 HUN  4½  30½  20  
  11   11 FM  Ngo Bach              2345 USA  4   34   24  
  12   13 CM  Liu Eric              2327 USA  4   29½ 17½  
  13   12 WIM Gaal Zsoka          F 2328 HUN  3½  32   25  
  14   14 FM  Pham Tran Gia Phuc    2314 VIE  3½  29½ 16½  
  15    4 GM  Neverov Valeriy       2410 UKR  2½  27½  12  
  16   15 WIM Rakshitta Ravi      F 2301 IND  1½  29½ 10½

Vezerkepzo IM

Rank SNo.     Name                  Rtg FED 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 Pts.  SB   Vict 
   1    7 IM  Krstulovic Alex      2435 HUN *  0  1  1  1  ½  ½  1  1  1   7   28,00  6   
   2    8 IM  Hnydiuk Aleksander   2361 POL 1  *  ½  1  ½  ½  1  ½  ½  ½   6   27,50  3   
   3   10     Majek Kacper         2090 POL 0  ½  *  1  1  ½  ½  0  1  ½   5   21,25  3   
   4    5 WGM Li Xueyi           F 2248 CHN 0  0  0  *  1  ½  1  1  1  ½   5   18,75  4   
   5    1     Laddha Yash Jayesh   2076 USA 0  ½  0  0  *  ½  1  1  ½  1   4½  16,75  3   
   6    2 GM  Czebe Attila         2360 HUN ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  *  0  ½  ½  ½   4   18,50  0   
   7    4 FM  Mekhane Adam         2269 FRA ½  0  ½  0  0  1  *  ½  ½  1   4   16,00  2   
   8    9 FM  Giang Tran Nam       2294 HUN 0  ½  1  0  0  ½  ½  *  ½  ½   3½  15,00  1   
   9    6 FM  Bhagat Kush          2184 IND 0  ½  0  0  ½  ½  ½  ½  *  1   3½  13,50  1   
  10    3     Apaar Saxena         2006 IND 0  ½  ½  ½  0  ½  0  ½  0  *   2½  11,75  0 


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