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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 733 : 01.09.2023

Chess games 14732
Chess tournaments 107

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Bolton ENG, Harry Lamb Mem 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                         Rtg FED  Gr  Pts Res. Vict BH. BH.  SB   
   1    1 GM  Arkell Keith C              2373 ENG      4½   0    4   15  12½ 13,25 
   2    2 GM  Lalic Bogdan                2346 CRO      4½   0    4   14½ 13  13,25 
   3   15 AFM Norris Ethan                   0 ENG       4   0    4   14½ 12½ 8,50  
   4   22     Jackson Edward              1942 ENG       4   0    3   12½ 12  10,75 
   5   29     Vijayakumar Rishi           1899 SCO      3½   0    3   15  13½ 9,25  
   6   10     Surtees Mike J              2059 ENG      3½   0    3   14½ 12½ 9,00  
   7   11     Gordon Sean                 2039 SCO      3½   0    3   13  12  6,25  
   8    6     Lambert Adrien              2114 FRA      3½   0    3   12½ 11  6,25  
   9   13 WFM Longson Sarah N           F 2016 ENG      3½   0    3   12  10½ 8,25  
  10   24     Gomez Daniel                1928 ENG      3½   0    2   15½ 14  8,75  
  11    3 FM  Macklin Paul                2321 ENG      3½   0    2   15  13  9,75  
  12    7     James Russell A             2096 ENG 2096 3½   0    2   13½ 11½ 9,25  
  13   20     Dietiker Manuel             1967 SUI      3½   0    2   12  10  7,75  
  14   12     Paterson Andrew I           2024 ENG       3   0    3   14½ 12½ 6,50  
  15   50     Sanada Tetsuaki             1618 JPN       3   0    3   10   9  3,00  
  16    4 FM  Ashton Adam G               2314 ENG       3   0    2   15  13½ 7,00  
  17   19     Song Ran                  F 1987 CHN       3   0    2   13  11½ 8,00  
  18   45     Mize Dylan                  1739 USA       3   0    2   13  11  6,75  
  19   44     Ridge Benjamin              1770 SCO       3   0    2   12  11½ 5,50  
  20    8     Holland Christopher         2094 GCI       3   0    2   10½  9  4,00  
  21   25     Sajanani Vikas              1920 ENG 1920 2½   0    2   16  14  7,25  
  22   36     Arora Tashika             F 1836 ENG      2½   0    2   16  13½ 6,75  
  23   41     Obi Okwose Marc             1795 ENG      2½   0    2   14½ 13  6,25  
  24   52     Ashton Alannah            F 1499 ENG      2½   0    2   13½ 12  5,25  
  25   31     Hutchinson Joel             1875 ENG      2½   0    2   13½ 11½ 5,25  
  26   42     Ridge Michael               1789 SCO      2½   0    2   11  10½ 2,75  
  27   38     Hepworth Peter              1827 ENG      2½   0    2   11  9½  3,75  
  28   32     Burns Martin J              1874 ENG      2½   0    2   10½  9  3,25  
  29   35     Mccarthy Damian             1857 ENG      2½   0    1   11½ 10  4,50  
  30   49     Taylor Mark                 1643 ENG      2½   0    1   9½  8½  5,00  
  31   40     Parry Samuel                1796 ENG       2   0    2   12  11  1,50  
  32    9     Raynes Paul                 2062 ENG       2   0    2   12  10½ 3,50  
  33   51     Patel Keatan                1579 ENG       2   0    1   13½ 12  4,75  
  34   54     Nyamandi Langutani Lucas    1286 RSA       2   0    1   12½ 12  3,00  
  35   33     Jaszkiwskyj Peter           1865 ENG       2   0    1   12  11½ 3,75  
  36   37     Fellowes Billy              1827 ENG       2   0    1   12  10½ 4,00  
  37   23     Mulleady Peter J            1935 ENG       2   0    1   10½ 10  3,25  
  38   39     Walia Shulin                1825 IND 1825  2   0    1   9½   9  2,25  
  39   18     Sykes Chris                 1989 SCO 1989 1½   0    1   13½ 11½ 3,75  
  40   30     Kobryn Peter J              1883 ENG      1½   0    1   11½ 10  2,25  
  41   28     Ortiz Sanchez Luis          1905 WLS      1½   0    1   10½ 10  2,25  
  42   26     Newton Robert A             1918 ENG      1½   0    1   10  9½  1,75  
  43   34     Vassiliou Chris             1859 CYP       1   0    0   14½ 12½ 3,25  
  44    5     Rawlinson Aidan M           2174 ENG       1   0    0   11½ 10  2,25  
  45   53     Llewellyn Alan M            1489 WLS       1   0    0   10½ 9½  2,50  
  46   47     Wedge David C               1689 ENG       ½   0    0   12½ 11  1,25  
  47   17     Wainwright Andrew C         1996 ENG       ½   0    0   11½ 10  1,50  
  48   14     Furness Robert M            2009 ENG       ½   0    0   10½  9  1,25  
  49   21     Nkwonta Kelechukwu          1951 ENG 1951  0   0    0   11  10  0,00  
  50   16     Garcia-Ruiz Fuentes Aitor   1999 ESP       0   0    0   10   9  0,00  
       27     SanJani Vikas               1914 ENG       0   0    0   10   9  0,00  
       43     Kennedy Craig               1784 SCO       0   0    0   10   9  0,00  
       46     Lampard Alice             F 1731 SCO       0   0    0   10   9  0,00  
       48 AIM Bowman Richard L            1644 ENG       0   0    0   10   9  0,00 


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