For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 735 : 20.09.2023

Chess games 9316
Chess tournaments 75

View all included tournaments

Athens GRE, 13th Papanastasio Open

Rank SNo.    Name                          Rtg FED Type Pts Res. BH. BH.  SB   
   1    2    ALEXAKIS GEORGIOS            2192 GRE      6½   0   27  30  25,25 
   2    1 FM NIKOLAOU GEORGIOS            2198 GRE      5½   0   28  31  22,75 
   3    4    TER-GEVORKIAN GIANNIS        1849 GRE       5   0   27  29  18,00 
   4   17    KOKKALIS STEFANOS            1157 GRE       5   0   20½ 23  14,00 
   5   12    GAVRIIL DIMITRIOS            1283 GRE U20   5   0   20½ 22½ 13,50 
   6    6    MASA ALEXANDROS              1568 GRE      4½   0   28½ 31½ 14,25 
   7    5    SIDERIS THEODOROS            1796 GRE      4½   0   28½ 31  15,25 
   8    3    GKEKAS SOKRATIS              2112 GRE S60  4½   0   28  30½ 16,75 
   9   13    BALASKAS STEFANOS            1252 GRE U20  4½   0   26  26½ 15,25 
  10    8    KOTSIFIS EMMANOUEL           1354 GRE      4½   0   22½ 24½ 15,75 
  11   18    KATSOGIANNIS RAFAIL          1111 GRE U16   4   0   23½ 26½ 14,00 
  12   11    HRONOPOULOS DIMITRIOS        1289 GRE       4   0   21½ 24  11,50 
  13   29    POLITIS THEODOROS               0 GRE      3½   0   24½ 28  13,25 
  14    7    MAVROUDIS DIONISIOS          1441 GRE S60  3½   0   24  27  9,25  
  15   16    KOKKALIS GEORGIOS STEF       1210 GRE U12  3½   0   23½ 26  9,00  
  16   31    VIKIS NIKIFOROS                 0 GRE U12  3½   0   21  23  9,25  
  17   19    ADAMOPOULOS NIKOLAOS            0 GRE U20  3½   0   19  21½ 9,75  
  18   14    OIKONOMOU NIKOLAOS NA        1216 GRE       3   0   25  25½ 8,00  
  19   15    NTOVAS DIMITRIOS             1215 GRE S60   3   0   24  26½ 8,00  
  20   23    GKOLOGIANNIS PAVLOS             0 GRE U20   3   0   19½ 21½ 3,00  
  21   28    POLICHRONOPOULOS FILIPPOS       0 GRE U12   3   0   19  21  6,00  
  22   25    KONTIZAS NIKOLAOS-ΑTHANASIOS    0 GRE U16   3   0   18½ 20½ 8,50  
  23   10    LIVAS IOANNIS                1329 GRE S60  2½   0   23  25½ 6,75  
  24   26    LENTZOS KONSTANTINOS-MARIOS     0 GRE U12   2   0   20½ 21  4,50  
  25   24    GRIGORAKIS GEORGIOS             0 GRE U16   2   0   19½ 20  3,00  
  26   27    LOCKHART STEVEN                 0 ENG       2   0   18½ 19  1,00  
  27   20    BOMPOS DIMITRIOS                0 GRE U16   2   0   15½ 16  4,50  
  28    9    GKIKOPOULOS ALEXANDROS       1332 GRE U14   1   0   21½ 23½ 2,00  
  29   30    SOTIROPOULOS ALEKSANDROS        0 GRE U10   1   0   17½ 19½ 3,50  
  30   21    EFSTATHIOU ATHANASIOS           0 GRE U08   0   0   17  18  0,00  
  31   22    EFSTATHIOU DIMITRIOS            0 GRE U12   0   0   16  17  0,00 


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