For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 479 : 10.08.2016

Chess games 12546
Chess tournaments 77

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Arvier ITA, Grand Paradis A 2016

1	5	IM	Mrdja Milan	2330	2347	CRO	28.00	0.00	2.00	3.00	2222.00
2	5	IM	Vuelban Virgilio	2313	2342	PHI	24.50	0.00	4.00	3.00	2184.43
3	4.5	FM	Lacrosse Marc	2225	2307	BEL	23.50	0.00	3.00	4.00	2205.43
4	4.5	FM	Gromovs Sergejs	2159	2230	ITA	23.00	0.00	3.00	4.00	2172.50
5	4	IM	Nester Ihor	2300	2201	UKR	23.50	0.00	2.00	3.00	2200.67
6	4	CM	Lezzerini Marco	2083	2190	ITA	22.50	0.00	2.00	3.00	2189.67
7	3.5		Rifai Abdulkader	2252	2250		28.50	0.00	2.00	2.00	2250.20
8	3	M	Ciuffoletti Paolo	2142	1902	ITA	20.50	0.00	1.00	2.00	2141.80
9	1.5	CN	Caputi Nicola	1942	1803	ITA	25.50	0.00	0.00	3.00	2203.67


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