For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 686 : 10.05.2022

Chess games 6254
Chess tournaments 67

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4NCL 2021/22 Div 1/2 rounds 7-9

4NCL 2021-22 England ENG Sat 27th Nov 2021 - Mon 2nd May 2022
Leading Round 9 (of 11) Standings:
RkTeamGms+-=123456789MptsBpts Manx Liberty9702wks1 7½wgnh 4½che 5½wgnn 4gily 4bar 7sha1 4½gon 7wro1 51649
2Wood Green9711ang 7blk 4½sha1 6½mxl 4wro1 4½gily 5che 4½wgnh 3½cam1 4½1544
3Cheddleton9720man1 8sxm1 6½mxl 2½oxf1 5½sha1 4½wgnh 5½wgnn 3½gily 6cel1 51447
4Wood Green Youth9621ads 4½mxl 3½bar 4bkna 7blk 4½che 2½kjk 5½wgnn 4½gily 4½1340½
5The Sharks 19630nee 7wib1 6wgnn 1½gon 5½che 3½wro1 4½mxl 3½alb 5½bar 5½1242½
6Guildford Young Guns9531kgh 7½cam1 6oxf1 5½bar 5mxl 4wgnn 3alb 4½che 2wgnh 3½1141
7Chessable White Rose 19540bkna 5½bar 3½nee 7wib1 5½wgnn 3½sha1 3½sxm1 5½wro2 6½mxl 31043½
8Cambridge University 19432alb 5gily 2wro2 4kjk 3½nee 5½sxm1 4wib1 4½bar 4½wgnn 3½1036½
9Oxford 19540gon 5½gilc 5½gily 2½che 2½wib1 1nee 2sha2 5man1 4½sxm1 4½1033
10Gonzaga9540oxf1 2½cel1 5sxm1 4½sha1 2½wro2 2½sha2 4½nee 6mxl 1blk 4½1033
11Celtic Tigers 19333gilc 4gon 3kjk 4nee 3½wks1 3½ang 4½bkna 6wib1 4½che 3936
12Barbican 4NCL9441sha2 7wro1 4½wgnh 4gily 3kjk 4½mxl 1wro2 5½cam1 3½sha1 2½935½
13Barnet Knights A9441wro1 2½sha2 5blk 4wgnh 1ads 3man1 5½cel1 2chk 6gilc 6½935½
14Blackthorne9342wro2 4½wgnn 3½bkna 4gilc 6wgnh 3½alb 3ads 4½kjk 4gon 3½836½
15West is Best 19450chk 5sha1 1alb 4½wro1 2½oxf1 7wro2 3cam1 3½cel1 3½man1 6836
16The ADs8332wgnh 3½wks1 7bye 4bkna 5kjk 3½blk 3½ang 4sha2 4½835
17Sussex Martlets 19342kjk 5che 1½gon 3½wro2 4gilc 5cam1 4wro1 2½wks1 4½oxf1 3½833½
18Alba8440cam1 3kgh 5wib1 3½wks1 5½sha2 4blk 5gily 3½sha1 2½832
19KJCA Kings8332sxm1 3man1 6cel1 4cam1 4½bar 3½ads 4½wgnh 2½blk 4832
20Chessable White Rose 28332blk 3½ang 5cam1 4sxm1 4gon 5½wib1 5bar 2½wro1 1½831
21Warwickshire Select 19342mxl -½ads -½man1 6alb 2½ang 4½cel1 3½gilc 4sxm1 3½chk 5828
22Anglian Avengers9351wgnn 1wro2 3gilc 3½man1 4½cel1 3½wks1 3½chk 5ads 4nee 4½732½
23Guildford Castles9243cel1 4oxf1 2½ang 4½blk 2sxm1 3chk 6wks1 4nee 4bkna 1½731½
24North East England9351sha1 1chk 5½wro1 1cel1 4½cam1 2½oxf1 6gon 2gilc 4ang 3½730
25The Sharks 29360bar 1bkna 3chk 7kgh 6alb 3gon 3½man1 6½oxf1 3ads 3½636½
26Manchester Manticores 19180che 0kjk 2wks1 2ang 3½chk 4bkna 2½oxf1 3½sha2 1½wib1 1½220½
27Kings Head4130gily -1½alb 2sha2 2chk 4½27
28Check Inn9090wib1 3nee 2½kgh 3½sha2 1man1 2½gilc 1½ang 2½bkna 2wks1 3021½
28 players


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