For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 371 : 10.08.2013

Chess games 7125
Chess tournaments 33

View all included tournaments

Mureck AUT, EU Ch U15

Rank SNo. Name                       Rtg FED Club                      Pts BH.  
   1    6 Dragnev Valentin          1912 AUT Raiffeisen Wahring        7½   45  
   2    1 Peczely Sebastian Zsombor 2157 HUN                           6½   42  
   3    3 Petrov Vladimir Sergeev   2038 BUL                            6   46  
   4    4 Szucs Matyas              2001 CZE                           5½   46  
   5    9 Suta Andraz               1796 SLO                           5½   43  
   6    2 Ptacek Tomas              2093 CZE                            5  36½  
   7   12 Evans Nicholas Thomas     1755 WLS                            5   36  
   8   13 Murko David               1708 SLO                           4½   49  
   9   10 Ramadani Sarah            1786 SLO                           4½   47  
  10    5 Skuhala Jernej            1920 SLO                           4½   35  
  11    7 Arztmann Nils             1877 AUT Sv Raika Rapid Feffernitz 4½  31½  
  12    8 Skuhala Luka              1841 SLO                            4  42½  
  13   17 Gucagaite Gabriele        1575 LTU                            4  41½  
  14   14 Koehn Lennart             1682 SCO                            4  35½  
  15   11 Roklicer Heike            1765 CRO                           3½  39½  
  16   15 Kodric Tilen              1606 SLO                           3½   37  
  17   16 Bratuszewski Jorden       1589 BEL                            3  35½  
  18   18 Barnicol Georges          1405 SUI                            0  40½  


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